# Purchase a Pogoplug Series 4 Backup Device http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006I5MKZY/ # You will also need a 2.5 inch SATA hard drive # ~256GB should last for the next 5 years http://www.amazon.com/Kingston-Digital-2-5-Inch-SV300S37A-240G/dp/B00A1ZTZNM/ http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004RRZ3SG/ # While you're waiting for the parts to arrive, build a bitcoind binary http://danielpbarron.com/pogo-build.sh.txt # With your parts and binary ready.. The Pogoplug ships in typical electronics packaging. It comes with a manual, a power adapter, a three foot ethernet cable, and the unit itself. You can throw out the packaging and manual; we won't be needing those. ### # The following instructions are from archlinuxarm.org # http://archlinuxarm.org/platforms/armv5/pogoplug-series-4 ### # Initial Setup * Connect power and ethernet to the device. * Go to http://my.pogoplug.com/activate * Register the device with your account * create an account if you haven't already * From your account page, click the gear icon in the top right corner. * Go to the security settings page. * Check the box labeled "Enable SSH access for this Pogoplug device" * Supply a new password (this is temporary to get into the thing) * Check your router's dhcp client table for "Pogoplug" to find the IP address * Unplug power to the device, plug in hard drive, power back up. # Log into your pogo (using your favorite terminal) ssh root@192.168.X.XXX # answer 'yes' to accept the connection yes # Stop the default software from running: killall hbwd # Run fdisk (to create partitions on the hard drive) /sbin/fdisk /dev/sda # Input 'o' to clear out any old partitions on the drive Command (m for help): o # Input 'n' to create a new partition Command (m for help): n Command action e extended p primary partition (1-4) # Input 'p' to select 'primary' p # Optional -- Add swap space. See end of instructions. # Input '1' to make it the first partition Partition number (1-4): 1 # Accept the defaults by pressing 'Enter' twice. First cylinder (1-14593, default 1): Using default value 1 Last cylinder or +size or +sizeM or +sizeK (1-14593, default 14593): Using default value 14593 # Write the changes to the drive by typing 'w' Command (m for help): w The partition table has been altered! # Change to the '/tmp' directory cd /tmp # Download the filesystem creation tool wget -q http://archlinuxarm.org/os/pogoplug/mke2fs # Check the sha1sum digest to verify it downloaded correctly # it should output: 0f2a62c74f78ffffefe1530bc5149db4b4684cd4 mke2fs sha1sum mke2fs # Make it executeable chmod +x mke2fs # Run it with your new partition as the target ./mke2fs -j /dev/sda1 # Create a directory named 'alarm' mkdir alarm # Mount your new filesystem to /tmp/alarm mount /dev/sda1 alarm # Change Directory cd alarm/ # Download ArchLinux tarball wget -q http://archlinuxarm.org/os/ArchLinuxARM-kirkwood-latest.tar.gz # Check the sha1sum # it should output: 9bd997ca51c27e4ce4ee7dd77474de2229433e39 ArchLinuxAR... sha1sum ArchLinuxARM-kirkwood-latest.tar.gz # Unpack the tarball tar -xzvf ArchLinuxARM-kirkwood-latest.tar.gz # Sync, change directory, and unmount sync cd ../ umount alarm # Download the ArchLinux auto installer wget -q http://archlinuxarm.org/os/ppv4/ppv4-install.sh # Check the sha1sum # it should output: 25d9e1e641cbc13fde6a373fc2c4c2c75ae1c17d ppv4-install.sh sha1sum ppv4-install.sh # Make it executeable and run it chmod +x ppv4-install.sh ./ppv4-install.sh # Reboot your pogo /sbin/reboot # Remove the old certificate (from your main computer) ssh-keygen -R 192.168.X.XXX # Log back in with username:password -> root:root ssh root@192.168.X.XXX # Change the root password passwd root # Remove the ArchLinux tarball rm /ArchLinuxARM-kirkwood-latest.tar.gz # Create a new user named 'bitcoin' useradd -m bitcoin # Set the password for your new account passwd bitcoin # Copy your compiled 'bitcoind' binary file onto the pogo ## either host it somewhere and download it, or use a flash drive ## assuming you got it into /root/ mv /root/bitcoind /sbin/ # Log out and back in as your new user # Run bitcoind for the first time to generate some necessary files bitcoind # It will shut down and spit out two lines of config # Copy paste these lines into a new file named '.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf' # use 'vi' to create this file, and type 'i' to enter "insert mode" vi .bitcoin/bitcoin.conf # While in insert mode, add these lines after the pasted ones gen=0 daemon=1 # If you already have a full node on your LAN, add this too connect=your.old.node.ip # Press 'Esc' to exit insert mode; type ":wq" to save and exit. :wq # Run bitcoind in nohup to capture the output nohup bitcoind # the following might not be needed, keeping it here just in case pacman -Syu ### SWAP INSTRUCTIONS ### add a swap partition during the 'fdisk' step above set it to "82" with the 't' option after rebooting into the new arch install, do this: mkswap /dev/sda2 swapon /dev/sda2 echo "/dev/sda2 none swap defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab If using an SSD with TRIM support, consider using defaults,discard in the swap line in fstab. If activating swap manually with swapon, using the -d or --discard parameter achieves the same. See man 8 swapon for details.