Handheld game roms
December 25, 2018 —
While searching for the Basic games collection the other day, I stumbled upon a forgotten archive containing roms for a bunch of old handheld electronic games from the 70's and 80's. If you had any of the games on the list below, your childhood was likely pretty awesum. I have used MESS to run these, but feel free to try on other platforms (as I did not include any MESS-specific xml files with this archive).

List of games contained in archive:
ROM NAME: GAME: --------------------------------------------------------------- advision "Adventure Vision" alnattck "Alien Attack" alnchase "Alien Chase" amaztron "Amaze-A-Tron" astro "Astro" astrocmd "Astro Command" bambball "Dribble Away Basketball" bankshot "Bank Shot - Electronic Pool" bcclimbr "Crazy Climber (Bandai)" bdoramon "Dokodemo Dorayaki Doraemon" bfriskyt "Frisky Tom (Bandai)" bmboxing "Knock-Em Out Boxing" bmsafari "Safari (Bambino)" bmsoccer "Kick The Goal Soccer" cdkong "Donkey Kong (Coleco)" cgalaxn "Galaxian (Coleco)" cmspacmn "Ms. Pac-Man (Coleco)" comp4 "Comp IV" cpacman "Pac-Man (Coleco, Rev. 29)" cpacmanr1 "Pac-Man (Coleco, Rev. 28)" ebball "Electronic Baseball (Entex)" ebball2 "Electronic Baseball 2 (Entex)" ebball3 "Electronic Baseball 3 (Entex)" edracula "Dracula (Epoch)" efball "Electronic Football (Epoch)" egalaxn2 "Galaxian 2 (Entex)" einvader "Space Invader (Entex, TMS1100)" epacman2 "Pac Man 2 (Entex)" galaxy2 "Galaxy II" gckong "Crazy Kong (Gakken)" gdigdug "Dig Dug (Gakken)" ghalien "Heiankyo Alien (Gakken)" gjackpot "Jackpot: Gin Rummy & Black Jack" gpoker "Poker (Gakken, 1979 version)" h2hbaseb "Head to Head Baseball" h2hfootb "Head to Head Football" invspace "Invader From Space" kingman "Kingman" machiman "Machine Man" maniac "Maniac" mathmagi "Mathemagician" merlin "Merlin - The Electronic Wizard" microvsn "MicroVision" mmerlin "Master Merlin" msthawk "Star Hawk (Mattel)" mvbfree "Mini-Vid Break Free" mwcbaseb "World Championship Baseball" packmon "Packri Monster" pbqbert "Q*Bert (Parker Brothers)" raisedvl "Raise The Devil" simon "Simon (Rev. A)" splasfgt "Space Laser Fight" splitsec "Split Second" ssfball "Superstar Football" ssimon "Super Simon" starwbc "Star Wars - Electronic Battle Command" starwbcp "Star Wars - Electronic Battle Command (prototype)" tandy12 "Tandy-12: Computerized Arcade" tc4 "Total Control 4" tcaveman "Caveman (Tomy)" tccombat "Cosmic Combat" tmpacman "Pac Man (Tomy)" tmscramb "Scramble (Tomy)" tmtennis "Tennis (Tomy)" tmtron "Tron (Tomy)" ufombs "UFO Master-Blaster Station" vinvader "Invaders (VTech)" wildfire "Wildfire (prototype)" zackman "Zackman" |
The archive can be downloaded from the \warez\ section of the library here.
Merry Christmas everyone!