
Hic inserere motto

Zerodium offering increased rewards for UNIX 0day exploits

June 29, 2018 — shinohai

Zerodium, a company that brokers exploits to governments and "law enforcement" is now offering rewards of up to one half million USD for zero days in UNIX operating systems. The company's website states that payments can be processed in Bitcoin and other "cryptocurrencies".

ZERODIUM evaluates and verifies all submitted research within one week or less. Payments are made in one or multiple installments by wire transfer or using crypto-currencies e.g. Bitcoin.

Zerodium only accepts submissions encrypted with their GPG KEY and claims to take one's privacy "very seriously", though they require a researchers personal information that they promise not to share with anyone, ever.

Tags: News, Bitcoin, Insecurity, Linux

Defeating adblock detectors:

June 23, 2018 — shinohai

While viewing websites in a graphical web browser, occasionally I find a site that hates when one uses adblock plus and prevents viewing unless it is turned off or the user pays for an "ad-free" pass. is one such website, and the nag screen remained despite the fact I was also running NoScript. What do?

As it turns out, the solution was baby simple. PopularMechanics uses a 3rd-party site to detect users running adblock, so all I had to do was add the following to /etc/hosts:

I was then able to smugly continue my research without sharing the page with hundreds of crappy ads, or being forced to pay for a pass on a website that I visit at most twice a year.

Feliz Sabado, mis amigos.

Tags: Linux, Webshit